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Date(s) - Thu, 5 Sep 2024 - Sun, 8 Sep 2024
All Day

Thredbo Main Terminal


Title: A multi-day tour with a mix of a base camp, touring, sightseeing, and hills – Kosciusko Main Range
Skills: Intermediate-Advanced
Terrain: Rolling-Hilly
Distance: Medium

This tour is to experience a mix of covering terrain and a basecamp component. Metal-edged touring skis are preferred. If you only have alpine touring or telemark skis then you will require a higher degree of physical fitness to keep up. The exact route will be dependent on snow coverage and conditions, weather, and the participants. My idea is to head out from Thredbo towards the country to the west of Kosciusko which is usually too far to reach in a day trip from Charlottes Pass. We could then spend the next day skiing from the tents. After this, move towards Twynam and set up another base camp before heading back to Thredbo.

A possible route includes Wilkinsons Creek, Abbott Peak, Mount Townsend, and Mount Twynam.  In case of bad weather, Plan B would be to do something similar at a lower altitude starting from Munyang (Guthega Power Station) and heading out towards Mawsons Hut/Tin Hut/Mt Jagungal area.

The tour is a joint trip with the NSW Nordic Ski Club. People who are competent independent skiers could come for part of the trip.

Skills: Hilly – Intermediate/advanced, Distance: Medium, Fitness: experience carrying a multi-day pack either ski touring or bushwalking. You should be doing at least 45 minutes of aerobic exercise using your legs 3-4 times a week, such as hill walking/running/cycling. I will be aiming to have at least one experienced person for every person without overnight snow camping experience.

Cost: car share, NPWS entry, etc

Maximum number of participants: 6-8, dependent on the mix of people’s skill level.

Bring:  See https://crosscountryskiing.org.au/members.php#Info/Gear

Some of the gear can be shared with another person, such as: snow tent, stove, snow shovel.

Departure and Finish: Departing currently from Thredbo using the chairlift Thursday morning, this may be changed if there is bad weather forecast. Updated information will be emailed to participants.

Leader: See Member’s Page