Become a Member or Renew your Membership
Membership fees for 2024 are:
- $50 for a single membership;
- $75 for a family/household membership.
Instructions for CCCSC Membership 2024 that are now due.
Revolutionise Sport is our new membership registration service provider.
Everyone, including previous members, needs to register as a New Member
for 2024.
For Household Members under the field Additional email addresses
you need to list the email addresses you want listed from the additional household members otherwise their email address is not recorded. Put a comma between the email addresses. Do not include your own email address there otherwise your email address will be recorded twice.
Registration Screens & Fields
- New Member
- First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, and Gender Identity
- House hold membership
- Purchase summary
- Basic Details, Contact Details, additional email addresses, additional information (permission to have phone number and email address on the members page), name of second household member, year of birth, phone number (optional), permission to share second persons contact details on members page, add additional household members.
- Continue through the screens to payment
- Put all additional members email address under the additional email addresses field that you want listed. Put a comma between the email addresses. This is the only field you can add the additional members emails.
The amount shown in Revolutionise Sport will appear to be lower, but will equal the correct membership fee once the processing charge has been added
The link: